Friday, June 24, 2005

I'm back

Well -- haven't posted in a while. Life has been hectic at work -- it's our busy season because of a myriad of reasons, and I'll spare you the gory details. Thankfully it has slowed down so I get a chance to breath -- and post, of course!

We managed to get our photo shoot done with a great local photographer. She has an incredible way with children! There's no way we could afford it "all the time", but I have dreamed about getting their pictures done in a "non-studio" way for such a long time, that once owe had the shoot -- and then saw the proofs -- well, it was just worth every single penny! Plus we have great (belated) Mother's Day ands Father's Day gifts to share when we are up in Massachusetts later this summer.

Speaking of Massachusetts -- we did manage to get up north for the Memorial Day weekend. We opted to fly up vs. drive -- expensive but so much easier when traveling with the kids, especially a toddler. I managed to get some steamers but with the low supply -- and now, red tide -- they were pricey. But oh, so yummy.

When we came back, work started to beckon because of preparations for things happening, and I am trying my best to contain work to the work-week. This probably sounds weird, but I can sense when my workaholic tendencies start to kick in. It's almost like an addiction, after a while. (Maybe it really is an addicition -- thus the "aholic" part.) Anyway, I'm striving for more balance. Now if I could get more sleep, that might help, too.

Our neighbors moved -- yes, the one with the almost-5-year-old daughter. DD seemed okay with it, actually. She still asks about her, but hardly as traumatic as I thought it might be. I am feeling pretty good about where we are in tersm of our house, school district, etc. Our neighborhood civic association is in the midst of a "re-emergence". There was an information meeting held on Virgina Primary Day (June 14 -- also Flag Day) to discuss getting the civic association back in gear. Over 100 people attended the meeting! I, of course, volunteered to help. What's in it for me? Well, I want to get to know my neighbors, especially for my children's sake. But I also want to be an example for them, too. My dad was always such a huge example for me in terms of civic/community involvement, and I want to do the same for my children. maybe they will go register to vote on their 18th birthday, too.

So last weekend we went to a puppet show at our local county park. This weekend we are going to see a "children's themed" striing instrument concert at the same park. We are going to meet some neighbors' children, roughly the same age as my two. Should be fun!