Thursday, January 19, 2006

Added to the NetFlix queue: The Smartest Guys in the Room

I just added "the Enron movie" to our NetFlix queue.

No, I did not get to see the movie when it made its way to theaters -- the last time I saw a movie in a theater where the movie did not have animation was in 2001. So I have been waiting for this to come out on DVD. I read a review of it over at The Moderate Voice and it looks great. I loved the Frontline piece that aired before everything collapsed at Enron, so I'm anxious to see Jeff Skilling again. *evil grin*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hopefully this DVD will remind all of us of the need to protect ourselves in the business world. As the saying goes..."The price of liberty is eternal vigilance." Greedy men (and women) will play as hard and far as the rules allow them...and beyond, willing to lie and cheat.

A Free Market assumes that there are mores at work to help everyone. But is it true?