We all went to Open House at our elementary school on Thursday. Natalie learned about her teacher (Mrs. D) and assistant (Mrs. W) and then got to meet them. Mrs. D is new to the elementary school and she is teamed up with one of the veteran IAs -- I have heard nothing but absolutely glowing reports about her, so I'm thrilled. Natalie is a little scared and a little excited. She saw all the "big kids" at the Open House and that worried her a little, but once she got into the classroom, she was great. She will also attend school age child care (SACC) at the school, and she got to see the classrooms and the teachers there, too.
We walked to the school today so Natalie and Nicholas could play on the playground. She's pretty excited even today.
9/10/06 ETA: Here are a few pictures from Open House:
First one is Natalie in her classroom. Her teacher asked her to find her name at the table and draw a picture of herself.

And here is Natalie admiring her finished picture -- it's actualy a picture of her and her best friend from pre-school J. (J doesn't live in our school district so Natalie is particularly missing her right now.)

Nicholas just couldn't wait for all the "visiting the classroom stuff" to be done so he could visit the playground:

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