Thursday, July 27, 2006

Summer madness

And people say summer is the time to relax...

We are readying for Natalie's birthday party, and, of course, this is the last of the "big parties" as she'll be in Kindergarten in September so we will "downsize" the party next year as we won't invite "the entire class". This year's party will be big but not huge, and we are having it at a local park and NOT at our house ("rain rain go away").

DH is still in the job market but he's been busy taking care of things around the house. He's also been handling many of the birthday party planning duties, which are indeed time consuming.

DH's mom is finally out of the nursing home (after many, many months) and staying with DH's brother. Not sure how that is really going as I have not seen things first-hand. We'll know more when we visit in August.

And speaking of visits in August, we literally have "places to be and people to see" for every day of our upcoming week-long stay in Massachusetts. I guess we can look at it and say at least no one will be bored!

That's about all I have time to post about -- and yes, I still have the unfinished Disney trip reports to finish. AFTER the birthday party. :-)

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