Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Arrival day is tomorrow

Light blogging thanks to "all hands on deck" in getting ready for my parents' arrival tomorrow! We managed to get our cards mailed out (with our annual Capital Chronicles newsletter), all the gifts wrapped (or almost all the gifts), all the baking done for the Cookie Exchange, all the gift cards bought -- and delivered -- for the children's teachers, and the house clean (or somewhat clean) for Arrival Day. Even my minivan is clean! We have a rough itinerary of what we are doing and when for the next week, so DH and I are "on the same page".

All I can say is *whew*.

Natalie has been having issues with her listening ears in school. Today it was with the art teacher. Evidently "a few days ago" it was with the music teacher. In the past it has been with her Kindergarten teacher. After the holidays, I have to do some reading on how to help her with this. I really dislike the "coming down hard" on her approach, and I fear I'm slipping closer and closer there.

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