Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Busy busy April...
We had a brief thought about selling our house and moving into another school district in Fairfax County. That was until we saw what some people consider a "bedroom" in a house -- as in a room witha small window in the basement. Just what I wanted for a bedroom -- a cement floor with an area rug on top of it. So, we are staying put for now. Plus I really hate packing.
Celebrated my 42nd birthday last week and today is our 14th wedding anniversary. How time flies. Who would have dreamed we would be where we are with two great children? Just amazing!
Work continues to be very interesting -- I am fortunate to be doing things that I truly enjoy and I have the feeling that what I am doing actually makes a difference. That's pretty important to me, and part of the reason for my dissatisfaction while I was in a stint working for "corporate America". I am feeling pretty good about work right now, though. Now if I could just get my life a little more decluttered.
Oh -- one more thing. I started Weight Watchers at Work at the end of March. So far I am down a total of 12 pounds -- including 3 pounds down since my weigh-in last week. How I lost 3 pounds over "birthday week" is beyond me!
Monday, April 11, 2005
Cherry Blossoms and Growling Tigers

All she wanted to do was throw sticks in the water.

The Little Man is a parrot right now. We were watching The Masters on television yesterday and he saw the golf ball.
"Ball" he said.
I said, "Yes, Nic, that's a golf ball. Watch the golfer hit the golf ball."
He said, "Ball. Golfer."
I said, "That's right. And that golfer's name is Tiger."
He said, "Golfer. Tiger. Grrrrrrrrr."
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Accident reports
Some of the things that just go with raising children are bumps and bruises. These sort of things happen all the time, including at our near-work-site child care center. At the Center, parents get a phone call (usually) or they are notified upon pick-up time that "such and so" happened to their child. Then the parent signs an accident report, which already has documented what happened, when it happened, who was supervising the child, what they did, how they will try to keep it from happening again, and it is signed by Center Administration.
Some of these accident reports are very basic -- "Natalie bumped her knee when playing outside, we put ice on it and gave her TLC", etc. But some of these are true fodder for High School Prom Night. As an example, one of the accident reports I saved was for when Natalie walked into a wall while wearing a sheet over her head. (!!!) The corrective action noted was, "Teach Natalie that she needs to be careful when walking around while wearing a sheet over her head as she could walk into something." (LOL!)
Well, another classic (!) was for today -- evidently, while sitting down on the toilet, Natalie was staring at something on the floor, and she fell OFF the toilet and bumped her nose on the floor. When I got the call from the teacher on THIS one, I nearly ended up on the floor myself! HOW she did this is beyond me.