Oh, how people can debate over the necessity of goody bags.
I had one "people other than family are invited" birthday party when I was growing up. It was when I was 10 years old (1973). One friend from school came to my party. That was it. I thanked Doreen for coming, and wrote her a thank you note for the birthday present she gave me.
Flash forward to today. My daughter is having TWO birthday parties -- one at preschool (cupcakes for her class AND the pre-K class) and then another the following day at the rec center (with gymnastics, cake and ice cream, balloons, and goody bags).
The question of the day -- who started this goody bag tradition? Was it someone who works for the party supply industry? Once you have a bag, then you need stuff to fill it with. And when you fill it with stuff, the LAST thing I want to give is those cheap toys that multiply like rabbits in the house. And the cheap toys are always choking hazards for kids under 3.
And don't get me started on the pinatas...there is no pinata at any birthday party that we're having. At least this year.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
It's shuttle launch day!
The preschool class has been very interested in space all summer, but became particularly enthralled once again a couple of weeks ago when the shuttle was scheduled for launch. All of the children are very excited about today's launch. I sent the preschool teachers lots of links about NASA and the shuttle program. One I did not send them is this great one that keeps a day-by-day (I should say hour-by-hour!) log of what is going on. Also, this one about a woman wanting to become an astronaut is featured on Blogger as a Blog of Note -- very cool story!
The preschool class has been very interested in space all summer, but became particularly enthralled once again a couple of weeks ago when the shuttle was scheduled for launch. All of the children are very excited about today's launch. I sent the preschool teachers lots of links about NASA and the shuttle program. One I did not send them is this great one that keeps a day-by-day (I should say hour-by-hour!) log of what is going on. Also, this one about a woman wanting to become an astronaut is featured on Blogger as a Blog of Note -- very cool story!
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Picture frames
My life has revolved around picture frames today.
We are going to visit family next week, and we have all our prints back from our photo session with Susan that we did in May. Yesterday, one of my errands was picking up frames for the prints. I huge heaping pile of frames later...I have them ALL DONE. I can't even remember how many prints I put in frames -- something like 30 of them, I think. But they are done. *whew* Took me close to 4 hours to get that done.
Natalie has been asking for a guitar for her birthday. So, while I was erranding yesterday, I went to the local big box store to get the Barbie "Happy Birthday" doll I had planned to get her for her birthday. Since I was there, I went down the aisle to look at musical instruments, hoping that I might find a guitar -- and I FOUND IT! A BARBIE guitar! She's going to be thrilled!
With all the focus on Natalie yesterday, Nicholas was none too pleased with me when I returned from erranding. So my plans to put up the new denim curtains we just bought were nixed. So Nick and I played outside in the backyard for a while.
Natalie had skipped her nap and ended up "crashing" close to 5 pm. Nick and I went back in the house at 7:15 pm for bathtime, but Natalie was still sleeping. She hadn't even had dinner. So Nick had his bath and was in his jammies and settled into bed. Natalie was still sleeping at 8:30 pm! I went to check on her, and asked her if she needed to go potty -- she said no. I changed her into a nightgown and back to sleep she went. She slept until 6 am this morning!
Back to picture frames -- yes, I was getting the prints into the picture frames, and David was downstairs in the playroom with the kids. He ended up putting up our new curtain rods while he was doing laundry! WOOHOO! So now we have our new curtains up in the playroom, all the laundry is done, AND all the prints are in the picture frames!!! Not a bad weekend's worth of work.
Off to the pool as soon as a little boy wakes up from his nap.
We are going to visit family next week, and we have all our prints back from our photo session with Susan that we did in May. Yesterday, one of my errands was picking up frames for the prints. I huge heaping pile of frames later...I have them ALL DONE. I can't even remember how many prints I put in frames -- something like 30 of them, I think. But they are done. *whew* Took me close to 4 hours to get that done.
Natalie has been asking for a guitar for her birthday. So, while I was erranding yesterday, I went to the local big box store to get the Barbie "Happy Birthday" doll I had planned to get her for her birthday. Since I was there, I went down the aisle to look at musical instruments, hoping that I might find a guitar -- and I FOUND IT! A BARBIE guitar! She's going to be thrilled!
With all the focus on Natalie yesterday, Nicholas was none too pleased with me when I returned from erranding. So my plans to put up the new denim curtains we just bought were nixed. So Nick and I played outside in the backyard for a while.
Natalie had skipped her nap and ended up "crashing" close to 5 pm. Nick and I went back in the house at 7:15 pm for bathtime, but Natalie was still sleeping. She hadn't even had dinner. So Nick had his bath and was in his jammies and settled into bed. Natalie was still sleeping at 8:30 pm! I went to check on her, and asked her if she needed to go potty -- she said no. I changed her into a nightgown and back to sleep she went. She slept until 6 am this morning!
Back to picture frames -- yes, I was getting the prints into the picture frames, and David was downstairs in the playroom with the kids. He ended up putting up our new curtain rods while he was doing laundry! WOOHOO! So now we have our new curtains up in the playroom, all the laundry is done, AND all the prints are in the picture frames!!! Not a bad weekend's worth of work.
Off to the pool as soon as a little boy wakes up from his nap.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Birthday parties
My daughter's birthday party is a week from today. We have invited her pre-school class as well as the pre-school/pre-K class for the 4 year-olds. We invited both classes because so many of her friends have already moved into the 4 year-old class that she started rattling this long list of "friends I want to invite to my birthday party" that is was not fair to only invite 75% of the class. (!)
Of course, the "theme" for the birthday party are the Disney princesses. Yes, we are in the princess stage -- all pink and purple, all the time. We are having the party at our local county recreation center, and we are having Power Tots come so the children can do gymnastics.
And exactly how does one weave together a princess-themed birthday party with gymnastics? Well, Prince and Princess Training, of course! It's not like you can find store-bought invitations for THAT, so we made our own.
Then I made the mistake of Googling to find what others have done for their princess-themed birthday parties. Man, do people go over the top or what?!? Here's one that I found particularly illuminating.
I asked DH about all this because this birthday party stuff is just a wee bit manic if you ask me -- and even HE said, "Weren't we lucky to even get birthday cake with our parents when we were kids?" I just don't get all this stuff. And the "debates" by moms on the parenting boards seemed to be centered around whether children should open birthday presents in front of their friends or not. I'm hardly an expert in this area (thus my Google searches for birthday party ideas), but of all the parties I have been to with my daughter, none of them involved the birthday boy/girl opening presents at the party. Maybe if we had fewer children attending it would make sense, but with 20-odd children there, it just seems headed for disaster.
So, we're going to dance class today and then heading out to finalize the birthday cake, and then going out to get the soon-to-be birthday girl's hair cut. And I have at least a dozen errands to run this weekend, too.
Of course, the "theme" for the birthday party are the Disney princesses. Yes, we are in the princess stage -- all pink and purple, all the time. We are having the party at our local county recreation center, and we are having Power Tots come so the children can do gymnastics.
And exactly how does one weave together a princess-themed birthday party with gymnastics? Well, Prince and Princess Training, of course! It's not like you can find store-bought invitations for THAT, so we made our own.
Then I made the mistake of Googling to find what others have done for their princess-themed birthday parties. Man, do people go over the top or what?!? Here's one that I found particularly illuminating.
I asked DH about all this because this birthday party stuff is just a wee bit manic if you ask me -- and even HE said, "Weren't we lucky to even get birthday cake with our parents when we were kids?" I just don't get all this stuff. And the "debates" by moms on the parenting boards seemed to be centered around whether children should open birthday presents in front of their friends or not. I'm hardly an expert in this area (thus my Google searches for birthday party ideas), but of all the parties I have been to with my daughter, none of them involved the birthday boy/girl opening presents at the party. Maybe if we had fewer children attending it would make sense, but with 20-odd children there, it just seems headed for disaster.
So, we're going to dance class today and then heading out to finalize the birthday cake, and then going out to get the soon-to-be birthday girl's hair cut. And I have at least a dozen errands to run this weekend, too.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
School age child care and waiting lists
You are NOT going to believe this...
I got on the phone at 10 am Monday morning with Fairfax County's SACC as it was the first day to register for 2006-2007 school year -- yes, as in NEXT fall, not this coming fall -- spots. (The fact that it was the first day is not listed anywhere on their web site.) There are 80 spots in SACC at our local elementary school and we are #19 on the wait list for after school care. I called back today to add before school care (in case we need it) and thankfully did manage to get enrolled in that. But who knows about after school care.
On an unrelated note, if you know of someone looking for a job as a blogmaster/"consumer advocacy communications advisor", please let me know. My trade association is advertising such a position and is looking to hire someone very quickly -- as in the next two weeks.
I got on the phone at 10 am Monday morning with Fairfax County's SACC as it was the first day to register for 2006-2007 school year -- yes, as in NEXT fall, not this coming fall -- spots. (The fact that it was the first day is not listed anywhere on their web site.) There are 80 spots in SACC at our local elementary school and we are #19 on the wait list for after school care. I called back today to add before school care (in case we need it) and thankfully did manage to get enrolled in that. But who knows about after school care.
On an unrelated note, if you know of someone looking for a job as a blogmaster/"consumer advocacy communications advisor", please let me know. My trade association is advertising such a position and is looking to hire someone very quickly -- as in the next two weeks.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
The Disney Vault -- Here comes Cinderella!
Yes, my daughter will be overjoyed!
Disney is doing their "released from the vault" thing and re-releasing Cinderalla this fall (October 4)l. Also to be re-released is Toy Story (September 6).
Disney is doing their "released from the vault" thing and re-releasing Cinderalla this fall (October 4)l. Also to be re-released is Toy Story (September 6).
Thursday, July 14, 2005
More on Rick Santorum
Let's see if Santorum apologizes. I doubt he'll care if Kennedy and Kerry demand an apology, but he's got to say something soon. Bostonians are everywhere, you know -- even in Pennsylvania.
If you would like to respond to Senator Santorum, here's a link to Bob Casey's campaign web site.
If you would like to respond to Senator Santorum, here's a link to Bob Casey's campaign web site.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Rick Santorum
What can I say about Rick Santorum -- he just goes and digs himself even bigger holes each day. Nice way to paint the entire Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Rick. (Bitch PhD said it far better than I can.)
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Back from the beach

We just got back from the beach and my first day back at work was yesterday. We had a great time at the beach. We went to the Outer Banks -- specifically, Pine Island, which is halfway between Duck and Corolla on the northern side of the Outer Banks. The weather was glorious and everything really was wonderful. If I could just figure out a way to make a living down there!
The kids had a great time on the beach.

Here's a picture of the kids enjoying a popsicle yesterday afternoon.

This week we are going to a pot luck dinner for our daycare center/preschool. Then two weeks later is my daughter's 4th birthday party. Yes, things are getting busy in the thick of the summer. I would not trade any of this, though.
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