Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween

Wow, things have been incredibly busy the last week! All thanks to Halloween!

Our neighborhood civic association has been -- well, "dormant" is the best word to use, I suppose -- over the past several years. A group of neighbors has helped revive it and, on September 29, we had a General Meeting and officers were elected, etc. (No, not me -- I have way too much to do and there was no way I could commit to something like that.)

Well, I volunteered for a few things -- which included the development of flyers, brochures, etc. That included a flyer announcing our neighborhood's Halloween costume parade on Saturday October 29. A team of volunteers (numbering about 4 or 5, I think -- again, not me!) leafletted our neighborhood of about 900 single-family homes last week. I was a little concerned about the weather, but it was absolutely beautiful on Saturday afternoon -- and we had roughly 40 children show up in costume for our parade! It was great fun! My daughter -- um, Princess Belle -- walked the whole parade route not only in heels but also without a wrap over her yellow ball gown! My son, on the other hand, pretty much stayed in his Mommy's arms for the entire route -- 34 pounds of Mickey Mouse can do a number on Mommy's back!

So today we'll do a visit (in costume, of course) to my office and then head home for trick-or-treating.

First I have to get through some stuff at work. I'm the co-chair for our organization's annual charity drive and we have "the presentation" to do today before senior management. That's at 1 p.m. so once that is done, then I can focus on Halloween.

Why did I pick Halloween as the day to do a presentation before senior management? Oh yeah, it was the only day that fit most everyone's schedule. *sigh*

Happy Halloween!

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