Every spare moment has been focused on Mom. Dad met with the attorney on Tuesday so that he can get health care proxies, power of attorney orders, and a trust setup for their house. That afternoon, Mom went to see the PA at her doctor's practice -- the visiting nurse took her blood pressure on Monday and it was 190/90. Her blood pressure was fine on Tuesday -- Mom thought that there was some sort of "plot" to move her into a nursing home. She sees her new neaurologist on January 12 and does not see her primary care physician (a cardiologist) until December 12. My parents will be spending Christmas with us and this is only week 2 on Aricept for her.
We had a nice Thanksgiving at home. At one point we had planned to go to Richmond to go to the children's museum and the science museum, but I'm glad we did not go as both children were not feeling all that well yesterday. Nicholas has a constant runny nose and Natalie had a low-grade fever yesterday.
We took the final gates down yesterday (!!!) after the electricians came to do all the work on lights on Wednesday. We now have timers on all new exterior lights, a motion sensing floodlight in the backyard, and new lights in the children's bedrooms and the kitchen. Yesterday and the security system folks came and moved our security box, too -- a very productive week!
Today we did The Big Clothing Sort and donated 7 bags of things to the Salvation Army. Tonight we went to see the drive-thru Christmas Lights out in Upper Marlboro, MD -- VERY nice and we plan to go back with my parents when they come to visit.
Oh -- the Christmas cards also arrived. I'll share the picture early:

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