Pass the Bad Mommy Award this way as I have been publicly chastized by another parent.
I took the kids to the "other" Air and Space Museum this morning while DH stayed home. I thought the museum would be a good place for the kids to see some great things as well as get to run around a bit. So we started by seeing the airplanes in the "airplane hangar" and Natalie spotted the simulator rides. I told her we could do those later after seeing the space hangar. So we toured through the rockets, the astronaut materials, the missiles and -- of course -- the space shuttle. Then we headed back to go to the observation tower. Natalie had not forgotten about the simulators. Nicholas, on the other hand, did not even want to be 40 feet near the things -- as in he is going bananas and is begging me to take him home. So I managed to get him to sit down and I gave Natalie money to go on the simulator ride by herself. I told her repeatedly that she would have to go on alone, and she was all set with that. She was the last one seated in the ride.
Needless to say, it didn't go well. She got off the ride first and came over to me. She seemed "okay" -- until a man came over to me (with his kids) and loudly pronounced that she "should have never gone on the simulator by herself as she didn't like it at all and that I should never have allowed her to go on alone and should not do it again". All I could say to that was "Thank you." When I told DH about this, he said that he would have used some other phrases instead. (!!!)
So, we all had a good time other than the simulator part.
And the reason for going without DH? I had been doing all the "activity planning" for when my parents were in town -- they left Thursday. On Friday we all went to see Charlotte's Web at Tysons and we had lots of fun. Yesterday I left things up to DH and he planned butkus. It was I that took them on some errands. It was I that took them bike riding -- or more accurately Natalie did the bike riding and Nicholas did the walking while I did the tricycle carrying. So I "took charge" today instead of being bored out of my mind. ;-)
One of my New Year's resolutions is to do more "fun things" with my kids. I hope to do these sort of things and take advantage of everyhting we have in the metro DC area. AT least in between dance classes and swim classes and library visits!
Happy and Healthy New Year's wishes from all of us!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Arrival day is tomorrow
Light blogging thanks to "all hands on deck" in getting ready for my parents' arrival tomorrow! We managed to get our cards mailed out (with our annual Capital Chronicles newsletter), all the gifts wrapped (or almost all the gifts), all the baking done for the Cookie Exchange, all the gift cards bought -- and delivered -- for the children's teachers, and the house clean (or somewhat clean) for Arrival Day. Even my minivan is clean! We have a rough itinerary of what we are doing and when for the next week, so DH and I are "on the same page".
All I can say is *whew*.
Natalie has been having issues with her listening ears in school. Today it was with the art teacher. Evidently "a few days ago" it was with the music teacher. In the past it has been with her Kindergarten teacher. After the holidays, I have to do some reading on how to help her with this. I really dislike the "coming down hard" on her approach, and I fear I'm slipping closer and closer there.
All I can say is *whew*.
Natalie has been having issues with her listening ears in school. Today it was with the art teacher. Evidently "a few days ago" it was with the music teacher. In the past it has been with her Kindergarten teacher. After the holidays, I have to do some reading on how to help her with this. I really dislike the "coming down hard" on her approach, and I fear I'm slipping closer and closer there.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Happy Birthday, My Sugarplum!

3 years ago today my sugarplum came into the world.
Nicholas, you were a "hard fought for" baby. It was not exactly the easiest of pregnancies, and Daddy and I got all sorts of unexpected news from doctors along the way. We made the best decisions that we could, always putting you and your big sister first. Thankfully what the doctors were predicting was very, very wrong. Your daddy actually remembered to take pictures in the delivery room (as he totally blanked out on that when your sister was born). And the moment I saw you -- wow, my sugarplum -- it was magic! I don't know quite how to explain it, but looking into your eyes is like looking into a very old soul.
Thank you for being here, sweetheart! All my love and kisses on your 3rd birthday!
(Here are some pictures of Nicholas at age one, two, and at his 3rd birthday party at the fire department on Saturday.)

Saturday, December 09, 2006
Birthday party day!
Yes, it's finally here -- Nicholas' first "really big birthday party" day!
The numbers aren't so bad for a 3rd birthday party -- 15 children for a tour of the fire station, followed up by pizza and fruit, then cake and ice cream. The children are all very excited -- they have been talking about this for weeks now. Nicholas can barely contain himself. :-) I was putting together goodie bags for the guests and he said, "My friends will love these goodies, Mommy!"
So it's off to dance class with Natalie and then I'll pick up the cake on the way to the fire station. I'll post some pics over the weekend.
The numbers aren't so bad for a 3rd birthday party -- 15 children for a tour of the fire station, followed up by pizza and fruit, then cake and ice cream. The children are all very excited -- they have been talking about this for weeks now. Nicholas can barely contain himself. :-) I was putting together goodie bags for the guests and he said, "My friends will love these goodies, Mommy!"
So it's off to dance class with Natalie and then I'll pick up the cake on the way to the fire station. I'll post some pics over the weekend.
Monday, December 04, 2006
No free weekends

Saturday was dance class and then off to the tree farm to get our Christmas tree. DH did the chopping this year. Natalie and Nicholas enjoyed marshmallows -- not toasted, thank you -- while the tree was tied to the top of the minivan.
After getting the tree into the house, we went shopping. Tysons is such a lovely place on a weekend during the holiday season. (sure) We were smart enough to grab lunch first. After some shopping -- which we somehow managed to get through that, thank you -- we headed back home for dinner.
Sunday was "get the tree decorated quickly so we can take Christmas photos" time. Got that done -- you see the picture we settled on. We took about 30 pictures and that was the best of the lot. Then we had time for a 20 minute lunch before heading to see The Nutcracker. DH stayed home whike I took the kids. :-) After that, Nicholas fell asleep so I brought him home and took Natalie with me back to Tysons so I could get some presents for myself on sale. (Couldn't manage to pull that off on Saturday with Nicholas attached to me like glue.) Then back home for some dinner.
I had a conference to attend today so DH took care of drop off and pick up. At pick up time, Natalie didn't want to leave at 3:55 pm so DH said he would be back for her after picking up Nicholas. He grabbed dinner, went to pick up Nicholas, and made the circle back to pick up Natalie. Thanks to metro DC traffic, he pulled in to pick her up 2 hours later. Yes, he marvels at how I do dual pick-ups every day. I am a mystery. :-)
Oh -- some GREAT news! Mom & Dad are coming to be with us for Christmas! This decision just happened last week. We are ALL thrilled! Even Natalie is helping to clean the house to ready for their visit! ;-)
This week is birthday party preparation week. My sugarplum's first "big" birthday party is just a short time away!
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