Dad called me on Friday that my brother (only sibling, 14 years my senior) was in the PCU. Evidently he had a heart attack (again!) and my brother complained that he was really full after eating a huge prime rib dinner. Well, he has been released from the hospital after passing all the cardiac tests and he has been ordered to drop some weight. (I think his doctor said something like "What do you have there in front of you?" eying my brother's round belly!)
I think we all could lose some pounds. I am starting Weight Watchers at Work tomorrow. I am a total newbie when it comes to Weight Watchers, but I'll give it a whirl.
Monday, March 28, 2005
Sunday, March 27, 2005
James Taylor at the mall
Forgot to mention something about Friday...
We are at a local mall on Friday and I am on a search to find a spot where my Cingular service will actually work (grrrr) -- Natalie hears music over the intercom. The song playing was "Smiling Face" by James Taylor. She immediately shouts, "Mommy, it's James Taylor!" She was almost shocked that she would hear a James Taylor at the mall.
Natalie has literally grown up on James Taylor. When I was 8 months pregnant, Dad-to-be and I joined Dad-to-be's brother and brother's wife at Tanglewood to see James Taylor in concert. (It was the July 3rd concert -- thought there would be too many "booms" on the July 4th date.) We were fortunate enough to get shed seats (vs. me having to waddle across the lawn) and had a magical time. (And listening to Yo Yo Ma accompanying James Taylor on Sweet Baby James was almost heavenly!) We sing lots of James Taylor songs to both of our children, including, most frequently, You Can Close Your Eyes. For those that don't know the lyrics, they are:
Well the sun is surely sinking down
And the moon is slowly rising
So this old world must still be spinning ’round
And I still love you
So close your eyes
You can close your eyes, it’s all right
I don’t know no love songs
And I can’t sing the blues anymore
But I can sing this song
And you can sing this song
When I’m gone
It won’t be long before another day
We gonna have a good time
And no one’s gonna take that time away
You can stay as long as you like
- chorus -
Thus the name of this blog.
We are at a local mall on Friday and I am on a search to find a spot where my Cingular service will actually work (grrrr) -- Natalie hears music over the intercom. The song playing was "Smiling Face" by James Taylor. She immediately shouts, "Mommy, it's James Taylor!" She was almost shocked that she would hear a James Taylor at the mall.
Natalie has literally grown up on James Taylor. When I was 8 months pregnant, Dad-to-be and I joined Dad-to-be's brother and brother's wife at Tanglewood to see James Taylor in concert. (It was the July 3rd concert -- thought there would be too many "booms" on the July 4th date.) We were fortunate enough to get shed seats (vs. me having to waddle across the lawn) and had a magical time. (And listening to Yo Yo Ma accompanying James Taylor on Sweet Baby James was almost heavenly!) We sing lots of James Taylor songs to both of our children, including, most frequently, You Can Close Your Eyes. For those that don't know the lyrics, they are:
Well the sun is surely sinking down
And the moon is slowly rising
So this old world must still be spinning ’round
And I still love you
So close your eyes
You can close your eyes, it’s all right
I don’t know no love songs
And I can’t sing the blues anymore
But I can sing this song
And you can sing this song
When I’m gone
It won’t be long before another day
We gonna have a good time
And no one’s gonna take that time away
You can stay as long as you like
- chorus -
Thus the name of this blog.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Happy Easter
What a week this has been.
Due to Nicholas' ear infection, I took Tuesday off to be home with him. We had such a fun day at home! We colored, and we played with Play Doh, then we made Jello together -- it was a really fun day. I have had so much going on at work, however, that I really "paid" for things on Wednesday and Thursday. By Thursday afternoon I was really "losing it", and talked to my boss about taking Friday off. He agreed that it was a good idea. (Have I mentioned how I really have a great boss? Well, I do.) So I took my one "floating holiday" off.
My one concern is that one of the teachers in Nicholas' classroom said he was playing with his ear on Thursday afternoon. I am hoping we do not have another ear infection brewing. But Friday was his last day of antibiotics. I have to make an appointment for an ear check for him -- note to self: call the pediatrician's office on Monday to make the 2 week appointment. Please don't let him have another ear infection!
The weekend forecast is for rain, rain, and more rain. Hopefully the Easter egg hunt is on for the morning. Natalie is really looking forward to it.
Oh -- two fun things we did on Friday. First, Natalie has a new bike. She actually has two new bikes -- I put together a 16" bike for her last weekend, but it is a little big for her, so we went to the store and got her a 14" bike ("My Little Pony" bike) and put the 16" bike in the attic. The weather is pretty drizzly so she spent much of the early evening riding it around the living room. Second fun thing we did -- we went to Build-A-Bear. Natalie brought home her purple ballerina bear named Jasmine and Nicholas brought home his brown puppy with Elmo shirt named Jingles. Both are sleeping with their new friends tonight.
Just finished watching the UNC - Villanova game. UNC pulled it off by one point -- whew!
Due to Nicholas' ear infection, I took Tuesday off to be home with him. We had such a fun day at home! We colored, and we played with Play Doh, then we made Jello together -- it was a really fun day. I have had so much going on at work, however, that I really "paid" for things on Wednesday and Thursday. By Thursday afternoon I was really "losing it", and talked to my boss about taking Friday off. He agreed that it was a good idea. (Have I mentioned how I really have a great boss? Well, I do.) So I took my one "floating holiday" off.
My one concern is that one of the teachers in Nicholas' classroom said he was playing with his ear on Thursday afternoon. I am hoping we do not have another ear infection brewing. But Friday was his last day of antibiotics. I have to make an appointment for an ear check for him -- note to self: call the pediatrician's office on Monday to make the 2 week appointment. Please don't let him have another ear infection!
The weekend forecast is for rain, rain, and more rain. Hopefully the Easter egg hunt is on for the morning. Natalie is really looking forward to it.
Oh -- two fun things we did on Friday. First, Natalie has a new bike. She actually has two new bikes -- I put together a 16" bike for her last weekend, but it is a little big for her, so we went to the store and got her a 14" bike ("My Little Pony" bike) and put the 16" bike in the attic. The weather is pretty drizzly so she spent much of the early evening riding it around the living room. Second fun thing we did -- we went to Build-A-Bear. Natalie brought home her purple ballerina bear named Jasmine and Nicholas brought home his brown puppy with Elmo shirt named Jingles. Both are sleeping with their new friends tonight.
Just finished watching the UNC - Villanova game. UNC pulled it off by one point -- whew!
Monday, March 21, 2005
Another (!) ear infection -- times 2
We had a great weekend -- took the children to see the Easter Bunny, had fun as a family, etc. Nicholas was his goofy self when I brought him to daycare today. Then I got The Call from the Center's director -- she asked me what was wrong with Nicholas? (Like I knew? He HAD been fine.) Well, now he has a 101.3 fever. I called Dad and asked him to pick Nick up. Then I called the pediatrician's office to make a sick appointment. Dad took Nick to see the dr. -- he has ANOTHER ear infection. (Actually BOTH ears are infected.) So now he is on another round of antibiotics -- Zithromax this time instead of amoxicillin.
Maybe I need to think of hiring a nanny for Nicholas. We can't keep taking time off work every few days for ear infections. *sigh*
Maybe I need to think of hiring a nanny for Nicholas. We can't keep taking time off work every few days for ear infections. *sigh*
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Friday, March 18, 2005
15 month "well visit"
I took Nicholas for his 15 month "well visit" this week -- the one that is scheduled for shots. He's 25 lbs 9 oz and 33 inches tall. Since he is getting over an ear infection, I opted to wait on his shots. Dad is going to take him in a couple of weeks to get his shots done. Our pediatrician said that he's a healthy little guy and even his ears look good.
Wow, they really do grow up fast...
Wow, they really do grow up fast...
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Church rant
My husband and I are originally from Massachusetts and we are of the "predominant religious persuasion" of there, too -- Roman Catholic. Both of our children were baptized in Massachusetts with the permission of our parish priest in Virginia.
Well, we (foolishly) attempted to attend Sunday Mass with our two children at our church some time ago. What a disaster! We tried to find a place where one could cry and the other could be calmed down, and the only available space (other than outside the building) was a small 10 foot by 10 foot "library" towards the rear of the church. No seats and way too many distractions.
So I checked into the CCD program for Natalie -- they have a pre-school program. I thought that might be good for her and I could bring Nicholas to church solo. The CCD director was very nice. However, the CCD program runs "against" the Mass schedule. There are Masses at 9 am, 10:30 am and 12 Noon. CCD runs from 9:15 to 10:15 am or from 10:45 to 11:45 am. So attending Mass as a family would mean Nicholas would have to be at church either from 9:15 am until 11:30 am or from 10:45 am until 1pm. (!!!) I don't think so.
So we have been attending another Catholic church in the next town over -- they have a Catholic School like our parish does, lots of young children at Mass, great setup so young families can be at Mass and not disturb the entire congregation, etc. I thought it would be great if we switched parishes so we could get involved with that Church. (I used to sing in the choir at our church in Massachusetts and I really miss it.) In Massachusetts, people picked which parish they wanted to join and they signed up at the church office.
Well, that's not how things are done in northern Virginia.
I asked the Archdiocese's office. I asked at our parish. I asked at the "family friendly" parish in the next town over. No, no, no. You are "assigned" to a parish strictly based on the physical location of your house.
I am not happy about this.
If anyone knows of a way to pick your own parish so I can be active in a Catholic Church again and attend Mass with my family in a child-friendly way, please let me know. Thanks!
Well, we (foolishly) attempted to attend Sunday Mass with our two children at our church some time ago. What a disaster! We tried to find a place where one could cry and the other could be calmed down, and the only available space (other than outside the building) was a small 10 foot by 10 foot "library" towards the rear of the church. No seats and way too many distractions.
So I checked into the CCD program for Natalie -- they have a pre-school program. I thought that might be good for her and I could bring Nicholas to church solo. The CCD director was very nice. However, the CCD program runs "against" the Mass schedule. There are Masses at 9 am, 10:30 am and 12 Noon. CCD runs from 9:15 to 10:15 am or from 10:45 to 11:45 am. So attending Mass as a family would mean Nicholas would have to be at church either from 9:15 am until 11:30 am or from 10:45 am until 1pm. (!!!) I don't think so.
So we have been attending another Catholic church in the next town over -- they have a Catholic School like our parish does, lots of young children at Mass, great setup so young families can be at Mass and not disturb the entire congregation, etc. I thought it would be great if we switched parishes so we could get involved with that Church. (I used to sing in the choir at our church in Massachusetts and I really miss it.) In Massachusetts, people picked which parish they wanted to join and they signed up at the church office.
Well, that's not how things are done in northern Virginia.
I asked the Archdiocese's office. I asked at our parish. I asked at the "family friendly" parish in the next town over. No, no, no. You are "assigned" to a parish strictly based on the physical location of your house.
I am not happy about this.
If anyone knows of a way to pick your own parish so I can be active in a Catholic Church again and attend Mass with my family in a child-friendly way, please let me know. Thanks!
Saturday, March 12, 2005
More mommy reading
About 3 months ago I placed a book order on for some "discipline" books that were recommended to me --
Well, for one reason or another, I just started getting into them today. No, I haven't finished reading all of them, but I started skimming through them and hope to have finished reading them this month.
So far I am most intrigued by Positive Discipline A-Z. We were part of the 1-2-3 Magic fan base, but when your 2.5 year-old starts counting out your 3 month old (!!!), you start to wonder if you might need to consider other alternatives. So far, I like the emphasis the authors place on less talking and more actions (similar to 1-2-3 Magic) and I like how they suggest changing questions into the "What" and "How" form. I also like how the authors suggest using the "I noticed" approach when it comes to things that are not done. For example, instead of asking "Did you clean up your room?" when you KNOW with all certainty that the child did not clean up their room and so your question is pretty much a "trap" -- you say, "I noticed that you did not clean up your room. " Then you use an explanation (depending upon what you have for choices) and help the child through choices. If you don't care that there are dirty clothes on the floor instead of in the hamper and that your child could wear dirty clothes again, then you allow that as a choice. If this just won't work for you, then do not offer it as a choice.
Anyway, they look to be interesting reads, and I am looking forward to trying some of the "less words and more actions" approaches this week. The nagging around here (especially by DH) is really wearing to me -- and I cannot imagine how much it is causing Natalie to just tune things out after a while.
Oh, Nicholas is feeling MUCH better. The Amoxicillin appears to be helping a great deal and he only has a hint of a runny nose. And no fever today, either. Hopefully we can keep a streak running. Of course now I have a vold -- and sinus headaches to go with it -- so I'm hoping I do not give something back to Nick or Natalie.
Well, for one reason or another, I just started getting into them today. No, I haven't finished reading all of them, but I started skimming through them and hope to have finished reading them this month.
So far I am most intrigued by Positive Discipline A-Z. We were part of the 1-2-3 Magic fan base, but when your 2.5 year-old starts counting out your 3 month old (!!!), you start to wonder if you might need to consider other alternatives. So far, I like the emphasis the authors place on less talking and more actions (similar to 1-2-3 Magic) and I like how they suggest changing questions into the "What" and "How" form. I also like how the authors suggest using the "I noticed" approach when it comes to things that are not done. For example, instead of asking "Did you clean up your room?" when you KNOW with all certainty that the child did not clean up their room and so your question is pretty much a "trap" -- you say, "I noticed that you did not clean up your room. " Then you use an explanation (depending upon what you have for choices) and help the child through choices. If you don't care that there are dirty clothes on the floor instead of in the hamper and that your child could wear dirty clothes again, then you allow that as a choice. If this just won't work for you, then do not offer it as a choice.
Anyway, they look to be interesting reads, and I am looking forward to trying some of the "less words and more actions" approaches this week. The nagging around here (especially by DH) is really wearing to me -- and I cannot imagine how much it is causing Natalie to just tune things out after a while.
Oh, Nicholas is feeling MUCH better. The Amoxicillin appears to be helping a great deal and he only has a hint of a runny nose. And no fever today, either. Hopefully we can keep a streak running. Of course now I have a vold -- and sinus headaches to go with it -- so I'm hoping I do not give something back to Nick or Natalie.
Friday, March 11, 2005
The Bug turns into an ear infection
Dad took Nicholas to the doctor yesterday morning -- he has a "raging" ear infection in his left ear. So now he is on amoxicillin and -- of course -- is home today with Dad. The pediatrician said that the antibiotic would clear whatever is in him out so hopefully he'll be feeling better soon. My poor little man. :(
Thursday, March 10, 2005
The bug -- phase II
Nicholas spent two days at home with Dad -- he had a pretty miserable cold and a constantly runny nose. No need to bring him to daycare and expose everyone else to it, right? Well, I brought him to daycare yesterday because he was feeling better and his runny nose had greatly subsided. Of course at close to 4 PM I got The Call -- Nick had a 102 degree fever. *sigh* So I called Dad at his office and left a message -- "Tell him he needs to pick up his son because he has a 102 degree fever." I just could not pull it off yesterday. So Dad is staying home with Nick today.
I had just ranted to the daycare center director LAST week that I was close to thinking about hiring a nanny due to the illnesses (since Natalie was out for just about all week) and now Nicholas is going through his round. It was the director who called to give me the news about Nicholas, too. And of course -- there was another child in Nicholas' room that was sick over the weekend, had been out for two days, yesterday was her first day back, and she got sent home with a 103 degree fever. Doesn't make it any easier, but I suppose commiseration is the only thing the daycare staff can offer.
On top of all this -- I have been weaning Nicholas from his lunch time feeding since last Thursday. With all this buggy stuff going on with him, it just adds to my guilt that "maybe I weaned him from lunch feedings too early", etc., etc. I know in my head that it has nothing to do with it, but Head doesn't talk to Heart too well.
Next Wednesday is his 15 month dt's visit. He's slated to have his vaccinations, including the MMR. I think I'm going to ask the dr. if we can skip the shots for now until he has a good stint of feeling welll. Natalie can such a horrible reaction to the MMR that I really want to avoid that if I can.
Sure wish I could stay home with Nick today instead of Dad, but this is just such a tough time at work right now. His tough week at work is next week, so we'll have to trade off sick time next week if it comes to that. I sure hope it doesn't.
I had just ranted to the daycare center director LAST week that I was close to thinking about hiring a nanny due to the illnesses (since Natalie was out for just about all week) and now Nicholas is going through his round. It was the director who called to give me the news about Nicholas, too. And of course -- there was another child in Nicholas' room that was sick over the weekend, had been out for two days, yesterday was her first day back, and she got sent home with a 103 degree fever. Doesn't make it any easier, but I suppose commiseration is the only thing the daycare staff can offer.
On top of all this -- I have been weaning Nicholas from his lunch time feeding since last Thursday. With all this buggy stuff going on with him, it just adds to my guilt that "maybe I weaned him from lunch feedings too early", etc., etc. I know in my head that it has nothing to do with it, but Head doesn't talk to Heart too well.
Next Wednesday is his 15 month dt's visit. He's slated to have his vaccinations, including the MMR. I think I'm going to ask the dr. if we can skip the shots for now until he has a good stint of feeling welll. Natalie can such a horrible reaction to the MMR that I really want to avoid that if I can.
Sure wish I could stay home with Nick today instead of Dad, but this is just such a tough time at work right now. His tough week at work is next week, so we'll have to trade off sick time next week if it comes to that. I sure hope it doesn't.
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Here's my little man at breakfast this morning:

In the never-ending battle for wellmess, it seems like he has a little bit of a cold today. I guess all my admonitions to Natalie about "covering her cough" have worked, though, because Nicholas is covering his coughs, too. Although he thinks it's funny and he "fakes" coughs so he can put his hand over his mouth.
And more about the haircut -- we were at a "real barber" in Alexandria, and Nicholas was in the "race car" getting his haircut when General Barry McCaffrey was getting his haircut in the chair next to him.

In the never-ending battle for wellmess, it seems like he has a little bit of a cold today. I guess all my admonitions to Natalie about "covering her cough" have worked, though, because Nicholas is covering his coughs, too. Although he thinks it's funny and he "fakes" coughs so he can put his hand over his mouth.
And more about the haircut -- we were at a "real barber" in Alexandria, and Nicholas was in the "race car" getting his haircut when General Barry McCaffrey was getting his haircut in the chair next to him.
Saturday, March 05, 2005
The haircut
Yes, The Haircut happened today.
It's not like it should have been such a Big Deal today. Nicholas has had his haircut before -- specifically went we went to see The Mouse back in December. But something was just different today. Maybe it's because he is walking now and is more like a "little man". Maybe it's because he is just so much more animated now in his personality -- the fun and confident almost 15 month old little guy that he is. Or maybe it's because he needs me a little less these days. Whatever it is -- seeing him get his hair cut today at the barber was a Big Deal today. At least it was for me.
It's not like it should have been such a Big Deal today. Nicholas has had his haircut before -- specifically went we went to see The Mouse back in December. But something was just different today. Maybe it's because he is walking now and is more like a "little man". Maybe it's because he is just so much more animated now in his personality -- the fun and confident almost 15 month old little guy that he is. Or maybe it's because he needs me a little less these days. Whatever it is -- seeing him get his hair cut today at the barber was a Big Deal today. At least it was for me.
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