Thursday, March 16, 2006

Another visit to the Pediatrician

Yes, another visit to the pediatrician today -- another (great!) doctor in the practice. (Have I mentioned that I love our pediatric practice? If you are in northern Virginia and want a great pediatric practice, drop me a note and I'll tell you all about them.) We went to the pediatrician after Natalie had a 103 (!) fever. Of course I was not in the office but on the way to a meeting on Capitol Hill, and DH could not go pick her up because today is The Final Day for Appropriations (and he worked until some insane hour last night trying to get everything done), and my friend at my office who is my backup was at a dental appointment -- so I recruited another friend in my office who is a single guy, no "kids experience", etc. -- and he was AWESOME! I owe him so big.


The doctor checked her over. She has an ear infection now (as compared to Tuesday) but the doctor said that was not the cause of her fever. He listened to her heart several times and said that her heart rate is very fast for "just a fever". Based on her heart rate and her look (no arabesques) that he is concerned about pneumonia. However, she has no difficulty breathing.

She is starting on Zithromax today for her ear infection. DH will be home with her tomorrow. She's watching Cinderella right now and enjoying a fudgsicle.

She is such a trooper.


Anonymous said...

What do mean "no kids experience?"

Granted, I don't have little crumb crunchers of my own, but I have plenty of "other people's kids experience!" I am a very proud of uncle of 4 great kids (Andrew, Katie, Lizzie Bear and Eric).

I claim "Favorite Uncle" status of at least one of them!

Anyway, I'm just happy I could help.

Karen said...

Sorry -- my description of no "kids expereince" centered on no "SICK kids experience" vs. no "kids experience". :-) Hey, you have experience with 1800+ kids a year, so you have that on me!

At least my kids don't play with shower heads and coffee grounds. ;-)