Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Spring is almost here

Yes, the robins have taken over our front yard so Spring must be near!

I'm feeling much better -- finally. DH is in the midst of his "crazy season" with appropriations. This year they have compressed the schedule so he is only crazy for 2 weeks instead of 2 months like last year. His final deadline is on Friday March 17, so he'll be "normal" again the following day.

As an example of his schedule -- he had to be at a fundraiser last night until 7 pm so he got home at 7:30 pm. I had a civic association board meeting at 8 pm and wasn't home until 10 pm. He had a briefing first thing this morning so he had to leave the house at 7 am.

Nicholas started in the 2's classroom last Thursday so he is in his "big boy" classroom now. He is very excited! Both of them start swimming classes again this coming weekend.

We got Natalie a baseball (tee ball) glove and bat this past weekend. Also have the tee stand. Her glove and batting gloves are PINK! Have to get her a helmet, too.

We are planning on going kite flying this weekend. DH has to work one of the afternoons so if the forecast holds, we'll go kite flying Saturday afternoon and I'll take the kids somewhere (???) Sunday afternoon. I might take them to the movies to see Curious George.

Now let's just have the weather forecast hold...

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