Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

March 2 is Dr. Seuss' birthday and I'm going to my daughter's pre-school in the morning to read Green Eggs and Ham. I'm not sure who is more excited about it -- my daughter or all her friends that she told at pre-school today!

My Little Man is getting ready to move into the 2's class in mid-March. He's been 2 since December, but he has no spot to move to -- until one of Natalie's classmates left the program because Mom is switching jobs. So a spot opened up in pre-school, which started the whole "domino effect" thing. So Nicholas doesn't have to wait until June to move like we had first thought.

DH is staying home on Friday as the kids have an in-service day. We try to swap off as much as we can, so I covered the January in-service and DH will cover this one. They should all have fun together. In the meantime, I am meeting the literacy coordinator at our local elementary school that day to get a sense of how they handle varying pre-reading/reading issues in the classroom. The decision between public and private Kindergarten is maddening, I tell you. Just what does one really get for $17K a year? Or, as someone suggested to me today, is it what you get or what you are avoiding for $17K a year?

DH is in work madness until Saint Patrick's Day. I kiddingly told him, "I'll talk to you in 2 weeks" -- but that really isn't so far from the truth. Looks like I will have exclusive parenting duty for the next two weekends.

PLEASE let there be nice weather this weekend!!! *grin*

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