Saturday, March 31, 2007

Angry Hour

More quotes that sustain you when a child wakes you at 3 a.m. to crawl into your bed because "I can't sleep by myself":

Natalie is reading everything everywhere -- so while we were having lunch at a restaurant today, she saw a sign that said HAPPY HOUR. She asked what Happy Hour meant and I said it is the hour after people leave work. Nicholas piped in, "So when is Angry Hour?"

At the restaurant, there was a little baby with her family. One of the family members brought her over to our table to say hi to the kids. So Natalie and Nicholas were "a-ga-ga" over the little girl during lunch. The baby ended up falling asleep, and she was leaning on the shoulder of a family member in "burp position", and she went out. Like a light. Arms limp and all. I said, "She was being burped and she fell asleep." Natalie looked over at her and said, "How cute!" Nicholas looked over and said, "Is she broken?"

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